Latin America

Deforestation is rampant, and its impact can be seen in Latin America. Almost everyone has heard about the steadily shrinking Amazon Rainforest, but the sad reality is that trees are being felled en masse all around Latin America, and when those forests go falling down, biodiversity plummets, too.

However, it’s not too late to help. As deforestation continues, agroforestry, the practice of growing and cultivating new trees, rises up to counter it. At All Clean California, we team up with our clients to help bring back the trees through our eco-friendly junk removal services, which you can read about here.

For each client that books an appointment with us, we’ll arrange to have another tree planted in Latin America through OneTreePlanted, the best charity for planting trees in areas affected by deforestation worldwide. See our sustainability page to learn more about how we help protect the environment and the planet.

Amazon Rainforest




Costa Rica






Book Now and Plant a Tree

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